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01 Sep 2024

10 years of Inspiring Leadership

10 years of Inspiring Leadership
10 years of Inspiring Leadership
10 years of Inspiring Leadership

2024 saw us host the tenth Inspiring Leadership Conference since the conference began in 2014 - for the mathematicians among you, we had a year off for Covid. As we reflect on the last ten years, we give you 10 fascinating facts about the Inspiring Leadership Conference...

1. More than 10,000 inspiring leaders

Incredibly since the first Inspiring Leadership Conference was held in 2014, we’ve welcomed and inspired more than 10,000 educational leaders who’ve attended keynotes, participated in workshops and networked with their peers.

2. 100 + keynote speakers

More than 100 respected and influential thought leaders have made keynotes at Inspiring Leadership Conferences. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, they range from leading political thinkers through to entrepreneurs and even a well known hip-hop artist.

3. Nearly 30 job titles

Our speakers have held no less than 30 different job titles including Olympian, humanitarian, politician, entrepreneur, broadcaster, conductor, scientist, philosopher, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychologist, philanthropist, mountaineer, CEO, barrister, firefighter, rally champion, rugby world cup winner, author, novelist, historian, hip hop artist, actor, singer and activist. The diverse nature of our keynotes and the different perspectives and insights they bring is what we believe is the Inspiring Leadership X-factor.

4. Leading educationalists

The conference is also heavily supported by leading educationalists including Professors, Chancellors, International leaders of education, OECD special advisors, UK Government advisors, MAT CEO’s, Headteachers and national, local and specialist leaders of education who play an active role in the event both as keynotes and as delegates.

5. 60% of delegates attend every year 

Some delegates have attended every Inspiring Leadership Conference and on average, 60% of attendees rebook every year, demonstrating how the Inspiring Leadership Conference has become a ‘must attend’ event in educational leaders’ calendars.

6. One of a kind

After 10 years, we are still the only event of this type which is organised for leaders in education and believe we have an invaluable roll to play in supporting the educational leaders of the future.

7. 55,000 cups of coffee and tea

More than 55,000 cups of coffee and tea have been consumed over the last 10 Inspiring Leadership Conferences. The number of biscuits consumed remains strictly classified information!

8. Over 750 exhibition stands

Our conference exhibition has also proven popular with delegates and exhibitors. More than 750 exhibition stands have been booked over the years with many exhibitors choosing to rebook their slot year after year.

9. Family of geese

A family of eight geese attended the conference in 2014. They’ve attended every subsequent conference, although admittedly a few of them have now flown the nest (no doubt finding new homes in primary and secondary schools around the country).

10. 14 countries

Although the conference is primarily seen as a key event in the UK education sector’s calendar, it also attracts delegates from overseas. To date, delegates have travelled from New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Norway, Cyprus, Romania, USA, Jersey and Guernsey as well as from all four nations within the UK to attend.

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